Friday, October 5, 2012


Dawes is a band that I have been following for a long time, starting with the spectacular video above "When My Time Comes".  Their brotherly harmonies, the beautiful lyrics, and the 1970's sound shine through every time that I listen to this amazing group.  I saw them live in Baton Rouge awhile back, and I got to meet most of the band after the show.  Unfortunately when I asked the singer, Taylor Goldsmith, about his Los Angeles Roots, we disagreed on the USC vs. UCLA battle.  That being said, they were very kind, friendly, and above all talented musicians. Recently I discovered two of their live performances made me stand up and listen.  I hope that you will too!  Pay special attention to the lyrics, performance  and  delivery:

"Million Dollar Bill" (Live at the Collect)

Best Lines:
"When it hits me that she's gone
I think I'll run for president
Get my face put on the million dollar bill
So these rich men that she wants
Show her the ways they can take care of her
I'll have found a way to be there with her still"

"Moon in the Water" (Live at the Collect)
This song is a solo effort from the singer Taylor Goldsmith.  Beautiful lyrics abound!

Best Lines:
"Love is for the fighter
Born to lose and never quit
Swinging for the moon
In the water"


Anonymous said...

Dawes sucks , they can't harmonize, it's time to hang it up

ljcurletta said...

Anonymous, I hope you were able to find a good audiologist and get the proper help.

Anonymous said...

They are useless, good for sleeping, tired rehassed hipster doofus sound, narcolepsy on a CD